Corporate Training
Corporate Training includes educational instruction i.e. workplace training for enhancement of existing skills or improvement of employee performance in an organization. It can be directed at several employees, a department or an entire organization and cover a range of instructional activities. The objective of the company behind this concept is to fulfill the ever-growing training, skill-enhancement and educational needs of both individuals and corporate entities. The training may be instructor-led, computer-based, web-based, or a combination of methods.
As a leader in providing full spectrum software solutions training across various industry segments both in corporate and in-house training. AriTech corporate training division has the competence to train corporations across platforms.
The division is committed to provide a high standard of training on various software platforms/packages as follows:
• Software testing training course participants will be able to handle Functional,
white-box, compatibility and performance testing on enterprise applications or
software products.
• Oracle 9i-RDBMS, Oracle 9i and Front-end tools like Power Builder, Oracle
Developer, Oracle Apps, Oracle Designer, Oracle Developer.
• Sybase, SAP, CORBA, IBM-MQ Series, Crystal Reports 8.0/8.5, Designer 2000, SAP,
Clarify CRM, OOAD/UML/Rose.
• Java, VJ++, IBMs Visual Age for Java, IBMs Net Commerce/IBM WSC, Net
Objects Fusion etc which are part of the IBM ebusiness software.
• Visual C++ and Visual Basic/Microsoft .Net.
• Data Warehousing/Data Mining Networking & OS Administration.